Thursday, 1/6/22

We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year’s holiday and is looking forward to what 2022 has to offer – except COVID, of course. We’re excited for this coming year and all the wonderful programs we’ll be able to offer the community in our newly renovated space. We are nearly the end of this project with a projected completion date of mid-February. We’re also gearing up for the opening of our next exhibition, Bittersweetcurated by José Falconi and Santiago Montoya, which opens to the public on Friday, January 28th. 

Also, this is the last week to visit the Penny Chronicles exhibition! You don’t want to miss this wonderfully thoughtful show when ends on Saturday, January 8th. 

Meanwhile, we spent the week designing a bench that will live under the stairs on the lower level. Why a bench? There is an ADA code for vision impairment that applies to our stair on the lower level. But, instead of having just a rail to prevent incidents we decided on something that would have more uses – a bench! This bench now serves multiple purposes: no one will hit their head on the underneath part of the stair and a its place to sit while waiting on the restroom. A win-win! 

An example of the type of bench we’re building at the Museum. This image comes from:

A draft drawing of the bench for under our staircase


Thursday, 1/13/22


Thursday, 12/30/21