Access for All & More Donors
We are very grateful for the support of our members, neighbors, donors and special thanks to the Somerville CPC and the CPA (Community Preservation Act) who have helped to fund this project. We also acknowledge those who donated as little as $1 up to $1,000 - every amount counts!
Names in bold italics are waiting approval and confirmation from donor as of October 11, 2022
ABG Commercial Realty
Anne Howarth & Frederick R Frank Jr
Anne Marie Lambert & Arvydas Mackevicius
Barbara Carli Goodwin
Barbara Fash
Ben Ewen-Campen
Betsey Pingree Frawley
Boston Tea Party Chapter, National Society Daughters of American Revolution
Brian Gillis
Charan Devereaux
Charlotte & Peter Merrell
Chris Measures & Karen Selph
Christine Georgehiou
Claryce Evans
Community Credit Union
Dan Breen & Elizabeth Simmons
Darcie Deluca – Kiwanis Club of Somerville
David Blumsack – Rockmont Management LLC
David Campbell
David O'Brien
Deanna Power
Debora Young
Debra Olin
Dennis Zofragos
Derick Snare
Diane Arenella
Doe Coover
Dolores LaPiana
Donna Wade
Dyan & Richard Blewett
Eduardo Sastre
Elaine Hoffman
Eleanor Glidden
Enid Kumin
Erica Voolich
Erin Ellingwood
Felicia Collazzo
Frank Solensky
George L. Doherty Funeral Service Inc.
Grace Hall
Ingrid Aue
Irving Fischman & Joan Lastovica
Jacqueline Goggin
Janet Steins
Janet Wood-Spagnoli
Jean Vallon
Jim Madigan & Daphne Layton
Jim O'Brien
John Bunzick & Carol Parker
John (“Jack”) Toulopoulos - JVT Realty
John Ursino
Judith Gentile
June Erlick
Karen Molloy
Kate Ashton
Kate Zebrose
Keidrick Roy
Ken Krause
Kenneth Rendell
Kevin Douglas
Kevin Oliver
Lawrence Willwerth
Lois Greenbaum & David Stevens
Marcy Gelb
Margaret Brennan
Marie Howe Real Estate
Mark Niedergang
Melissa Fox
Mernaysa Rivera-Bujosa Esq. – Rivera-Bujosa Law
Merrill Hudson
Michael & Kitty Dukakis
Michael Chiu
Michael Payne & Jean Carroon
Patricia Cohen
Patricia Garrity
Patricia Iverson
Patricia Wild
Paula Garbarino
Paula Vancini – Vancini Accounting
Polly Stevens
Rachel Chagnon
Richard Graf
Richard Oetheimer
Richard Spacer
Rita Carli DeBellis
Robert & Cynthia Doherty
Robert McWaters
Roberta & Dick Bauer
Ron Geraneo
Sal & Jennifer Querusio
Salvatore & Louise Casparriello
Sarah Mead & Mack Ramsey
Sinnia Zelaya
Stan Eichner
Stephen & Virgina Post
Steven Cabral & Jeremy Andreatta
Susan Frawley
Susan Goldin
Tony Sigel
Vilma Sullivan
Walter Booth & Delia Marshall
William F. Kelley