The Somerville Museum presents History on the Line, a series of programs funded by the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism's MA250 grant program. Historically part of Charlestown, the borders of present-day Somerville contain the stories of John Winthrop (the first governor), George Washington, Henry Knox, Paul Revere, Widow Rand, the Tufts Family, Archibald Queery (the inventor of Fluff), and more!
History on the Line is Map Lines, Assembly Lines, Revolutionary Lines, Story Lines, Transportation Lines, and more. Through an exhibition, map, public events, and trolley tours, we will:
Experience the intersecting lines of history that centered Somerville within the nation's founding.
Excavate Somerville's extraordinary and little-known history of key sites, stories, and firsts in the American Revolution and beyond.
Examine the visible and invisible sites and figures in Somerville's history.
Engage with multiple population groups throughout history and their struggles for freedom and self-determination.
Encounter the innovations, evolutions, and revolutions that make Somerville what it is today!
All Aboard!
“The emotions quicken, the eyes glow with new inspiration, and the step becomes buoyant as, walking the streets and avenues of the city, one realizes he is passing along the same road-ways, over hill and slope, where once the men of 1775-6 trod or Paul Revere drove his fiery steed.”
A Revolution on Tap: Tavern Culture and the Road Through Somerville to Lexington, April 19, 1775
April 10, 2025, 7-8pm
History in the Park | Patriot’s Day
April 21, 2025, 10am-1pm
Trolley Tour | Revolutionary Line
April 25-27, 2025
History on the Line Exhibition Opening Reception
May 1, 2025, 6-8pm
Trolley Tour | Industrial Line
May 17-18, 2025
History in the Park | Blessing of the Bay
June 22, 2025, 2-4pm
History Unlocked: Drop-in Chats @ Prospect Hill Tower, Powderhouse, and Milk Row Cemetery
Every 2nd Thursday, 6-8pm
Every 3rd Saturday, 10am-12pm
Check back for exact locations