Thursday, 1/26/23
You may have noticed we took a little hiatus while we wrapped up Phase One of our renovation project. Well, we’re back! This week we started Phase Two which involves the renovation of the basement spaces that houses our historic collection. If you have a basement and are prone to store things there and then forget about them (for years!) – then you know what we’ve been through the past few weeks while we were busy cleaning out the space and deciding what was worth saving. And, what a relief when our construction team began demo and the project started to feel real. We’re delighted to be able to work with the same architects, Peter Quinn Architects, and contractors, Stack + Co., that were involved with Phase One.
What a demo’d basement looks like
While we may have taken an hiatus with construction we certainly haven’t taken one with fundraising. Our fundraising committee has been hard at work to reach our goal and we’re 95% of the way there! To date our numbers are:
Access for All & More Capital Campaign
Phase 1 Goal = $2.35m | Gap to raise = $55,000
Phase 2 Goal = $400,000 | Gap to raise = $57,500
We’ve received an outpouring of support from members, friends, and neighbors. We still have a bit more work to do and we could use your help! Donating is fast and easy and can be done online or by sending a check using this form.
In other news we’re currently open to the public with our Community Curator exhibition, Waterlines, curated by Arlinda Shtuni. Come by and check out work by five noted artists that invite the viewer to consider the ecological, spiritual, and social dimensions of water and ask us to reawaken our personal connection with it.