Each year, members of Historic Somerville and friends are invited to take part in various reenactments or parades to advocate for the learning of history and just plain fun. In 2006, HS members joined with friends from the Somerville Commission for Historic Preservation, the Somerville Museum, the Rainbow Girls from the local branch of the Masons, and other adults and children of all ages to participate in the Patriot’s Day and Memorial Day Parades.
In mid to late October, Historic Somerville in collaboration with the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission, the Somerville Museum and with funding from the Somerville Arts Council produce The Ghosts of Somerville.
During this event, a number of citizens who are buried in the historic Milk Row Cemetery join the living to tell about Somerville’s past. A key aspect of Historic Somerville’s efforts in participating in historic reenactments and parades has been to build a character for participants that is based on the identity of people who were living in this region at the time. Research into the lives of these individuals helps to bring authenticity to our study of the past. We also promote the use of historically accurate costumes and props as a means of teaching about the lives of those who lived during the period.
Do you like to sew? Historic Somerville has a costume subcommittee that needs your help! Contact us for the next sewing circle meeting.
Gina Boyle as Harriet Thorp (1824-1837) and Lucy Glazier as Dorcas Good (1689-1693) in the Ghosts of Somerville 2006 performance. The performance takes place in historic Milk Row Cemetery.