Thursday, 5/26/22
You may have noticed that we took a break from posting last week. The Museum staff and volunteers have been busy installing our next couple of exhibitions, both opening on Friday, June 3rd. Amid figuring out layout, design, wall text, how to get monitors to pair with headphones (just a few of the many things that go into an exhibition), we’ve also been actively focused on the next phase of our Access for All & More campaign including signage, flooring, and garden design. For signage we’ve divided up the project into three phases to make it more manageable. The first phase includes required ADA signage, elevator access signs, etc. We’ve chosen the size, font, and colors. The second phase is interior donor signage. Some of our donors have opted for a naming opportunity and we’re grateful for their continued support and the opportunity to recognize them. We’re working with our signage company to finalize the sizing and materials for this phase. The third phase includes the exterior donor recognition display and exterior building signage. We’re currently thinking through these details as well.
For updates on flooring and gardens you’ll have to stay tuned for upcoming posts!
This is a sketch of the “Somerville Museum” sign that would live on the wall behind the front desk in reception. We use Sketchup to work out layouts and ideas to present to our Trustees.
This is another example of how Sketchup helps us figure out exhibition design and layout.
Also be sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming installations. Firehouse Reels: 40 Years of SCATV and Space Invader: An Immigrant Experience Through Immersive Art both open to the public on Friday, June 3rd and are on view through Saturday, July 9th. We’re also working on related programming so be sure to check our social media, website calendar, and sign up for our mailing list if you haven’t already.